This summer, all of it will happen because the blackberry messenger app or better known with BBM coming soon in the playstore, appstore and googleplay to advanced smartphones than Android and iOS smartphone blackberry.Users now can smile because to use the BBM application is not necessarily have to have a blackberry phone because Massenger BlackBerry Applications will be present in Android and iOS.
Thorsten Heins, CEO of blackberry confirmed that around next summer (June 2013) will be a big thing that really shocked the world of technology in this era. yes this is about the blackberry will release exclusive rights BBM (blackberry masssenger) to ANDROID AND IOS.
"This would be progress for the blackberry as being multiplatform" as described Heins. to note that fuel is the blackberry service is the most downloaded in blackberry appstore therefore we dare to open ourselves to reach out to those people who do not know BBM (BlackBerry messenger).
So for Android and iOS users wait for the presence of this and all Blackberry messenger smartphone application to try out advanced Important owned this Blackberry smartphone on Android and iOS apps support. Please downnload here for BlackBerry Application Massenger
Congratulations for Android and iOS that has been able to make BlackBerry sprawl not serve well as the sophistication of the operating system android and ios is. : Congratulations Create Android and iOS.
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